Civil Engineering & Consulting Services
City of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., New Jersey
JEA has been retained by the City of New Brunswick Housing & Redevelopment Authority (NBHRA) to provide “as-needed” engineering services on an annual basis since 2006. Under this contract, JEA has been responsible for completing and providing surveying, civil engineering, bid document preparation, bid administration, and construction management services associated with various facility and site improvements including:
- Administrative Office Expansion
- Capital Fund Improvements
- Community Block Development Grant Improvements
- Roadway Circulation Modifications @ Schwartz-Robeson Housing Complex
- Tree Removal for Security Surveillance
- Emergency Generator and landscape improvements at Administrative Offices
- Survey of facilities
For these projects, JEA was responsible for completion and preparation of a land surveys; site development plans; utility/drainage/lighting design; technical specification preparation; meeting and coordination with the NBHA and City personnel; bid phase services; and construction administration services.