Proposed Solar Farm “NJ Maple Solar” Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC. Route 45, Pilesgrove Township, Salem Co., New Jersey JEA was retained by Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC., of Chicago, IL, to provide site/civil engineering services associated with the construction of a 10 megawatt ground mounted solar facility at this 100 acre +/- agricultural tract. The proposed facility […]
Renewable Energy Facilities
New Jersey Juniper Solar
Proposed Solar Farm “NJ Juniper Solar” Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC. Courses Landing Road, Carney’s Point Township, Salem Co., New Jersey JEA was retained by Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC., of Chicago, IL, to provide site/civil engineering services associated with the construction of a 17 megawatt ground mounted solar facility at this 127 acre +/- agricultural tract. The […]
New Jersey Oak Solar
Proposed Solar Farm “NJ Oak Solar” Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC. Elmer Road, Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co., NJ JEA was retained by Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC., of Chicago, IL, to provide site/civil engineering services associated with the construction of a 10 megawatt ground mounted solar facility at this 100 acre +/- vacant tract. The proposed facility […]
NJ Cedar Solar Farm
Proposed Solar Farm “NJ Cedar Solar” Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC. Pointers-Auburn Road, Mannington Township, Salem Co., NJ JEA was retained by Lincoln Renewable Energy, LLC., of Chicago, IL, to provide site/civil engineering services associated with the construction of a 10 megawatt ground mounted solar facility at this 127 acre +/- agricultural tract. The proposed facility […]