PACE Center – Adult Health Care
Holy Cross Lutheran Church – Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ
Springfield Township, Union Co., New Jersey
JEA was retained to provide land planning and civil/site engineering services associated with the conversion of a portion of the existing church & nursery school facility into a PACE Center-Adult Health Care facility. The proposed PACE Center will occupy approximately 23,340 s.f. of the existing building with the church and nursery school uses being relocated to other portions of the building. Proposed site improvements include reconfiguration of the parking lot; creation of drop off area for patient buses, handicap parking stalls, ADA compliant walkways and ramps, creation of dedicated drop-off lane for nursery school parents, utility services, and parking lot lighting. For this project, JEA was responsible for completion and preparation of a property survey; site improvement plans; and assisting with land development approvals.