Low Income Senior Housing Facility-
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley,
Greenwich Twp., Gloucester Co., NJ
JEA was retained to provide site/civil engineering services associated with the construction of a three story, 67-unit, income restricted, independent living, senior housing building at the site of the existing Homestead at Harmony senior housing complex in Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, NJ. The project involves the construction of the new three-story building, asphalt parking areas, storm-water management basin and conveyance system, extensive landscaping with native landscaping species and grassland seed mixes, lighting, utilities, fire access lanes, passive recreation areas, and future parking expansion area. For this project, JEA was responsible for completion and preparation of a property survey; site development plans; utility/drainage/lighting/landscaping design; design of stormwater management system to comply with the N.J.D.E.P. Stormwater Management Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:8); Planning/Zoning Board testimony; and land development approvals. Construction of this project is anticipated to commence in 2011.